Originally Posted by 4bidden
I killed the image tab all together and fixed the display issue that had to do with the small overview map.
See working version here - http://www.arizonaquads.com/forum/vbgooglemapme.php
For now, if you don't have any image problems (invalid chars such as &) but still your map is broken, try this.
In vbgooglemapme.php, find this on line 107
$smallmapcontrol = "
map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl(new GSize(150,150)));
var overview = document.getElementById(\"memap_overview\");
and replace with this
$smallmapcontrol = "
map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl(new GSize(150,150)));";
That kept the small overview map and fixed the display issue.
I'll post back tomorrow how to remove all the info about images if people want.
OK Thanxs, no my ap is back, but still have the problem with some pins. I think i still have that problem with the image.
is there some help so remove the image tag once for all or ignore in the code?