Originally Posted by nebu
i have a problem with my chatbox.
first: its working great 
but there is one little mistake.
i have "autorefresh set to 2 seconds"
but with every refresh the chat scrolls to the bottom (the newest message)
its impossible to read "older" posts.
can u fix that?
You Should Set Your Autorefresh to More than 30 to 60 Seconds to Allow your Users to Read the Posts!!
As VBDev says, by using 2 Seconds you're Loading your Server with lot's of Data Requests and you're also Using a lot of the Data Transfer of your Site Hosting!!
This Hack Consumes a Lot of Data Transfer, so be careful with that Aspect, and more if your Forum has lot's of Visitors and Members Browsing the Pages and Loading the Chatbox everytime they Refresh the Page!!
This is the Best ChatBox Hack I've seen on vBulletin, I Hoppe VBDev release Version 2.0 Very Soon!!
My Best Regards!!