I wanted to customize my forumhome, and was hoping I could get a leadoff point on how to do this.
Normally, on forumhome a forum is displayed like this:
PHP Code:
Category 1
-- Forum 1
-- Forum 2
-- Forum 3
Category 2
-- Forum 1
However I want to encapsulate Category 1 and Category 2 into an boss-category, I want to do this for searching purposes
So now my forums are displayed as
PHP Code:
Boss-Category 1
-- Category 1
-- Forum 1
-- Forum 2
-- Forum 3
-- Category 2
-- Forum 1
Is there a way to remove the Boss-category title from being displayed to users and basicly have the forumhome display in the original way as if I had never made boss-category? Basicly a way to trick vbulletin into starting the forumhome listing from one level below the top category ?