I'm looking for a download mod for our vBulletin installation, and this one's close, but it seems to be missing a couple of things we'd really like to have:
-Private downloads: Allow moderators to assign a single user to specific downloads and make them private to only that customer. This would be useful for license key downloads.
-Configurable license agreements: Ability to create and select from a list of license agreements. When an agreement is assigned to a download, it's presented to the user when a download of that item is attempted and the user must 'Accept' the agreement before the file is served.
As a previous Joomla user, I became spoiled by DocMan. Now that I'm using Drupal/vBulletin, I can't find a download module that does the same thing.
If DownloadsII is already capable of the features we're looking for, or if anybody has a suggestion for implementing it, please let me know.