works great but does not snow, whats the problem please?
Mine doesn't handle snow...I didn't do a javascript for that. (I don't know HOW to code js, LOL, wish I did cause I would make the one I am using fatter flakes) *I* am using this mod for mine:
edit: its missing all the buttons, edit, post, m-quote etc
Check the image path in the style manager under All Style Options, down under: Image Paths
Button Images Folder This is the folder containing all the button images for this style.
The location of this folder can be overridden by a language setting.
images/buttons is how it should read since it uses the original set, but if it reads images/wintersnow/buttons it will still pull the original set if you copy the original set to the wintersnow folder.
I had to cut a lot of excess out to get the zip file down to size. Since the only two folders I actually changed were the Misc and Statusicon folders, those were the only two folders along with the xml, I zipped up.
I hope that helped. Liz