Originally Posted by Saviour
Go to this link: http://www.saviour-pc.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php
That will bring you to my feeds page on my forum...
Now clcik the RSS button next to Saviour PC Forum...
Look for the link to "Interested in making a website" and click it...
Do you see the BBCode? That's what I'm talking about...
OK, gotcha' now. That is the actual RSS code that is generated by the stock "external.php" script that comes with vBulletin (eg: http://www.saviour-pc.com/forums/external.php).
The BB code showing is a good question since the external.php script is supposed to strip out the BB code tags. When vB.com is back up (they're down at the moment for the vB 3.7.x beta upgrade) ask them to take a look at http://www.saviour-pc.com/forums/external.php?forumids=54 to see if they would know why your BB codes are not being stripped. The external.php is a stock vBulletin script and the cv_rss_feeds.php script does not have any affect on it.
Originally Posted by Saviour
My other question is why doesn't all the content from the post show up in the feed?
By default the amount of the output shown is the same length as the thread preview (when you hover over a thread title in the forum thread listing). That is set in
ACP =>
vBulletin Options =>
Forum Display Options (forumdisplay) =>
Length of Thread Preview Text with a default length of 150 characters. If you change that value then take note that it will also affect when you hover over the thread title. If you want just your RSS feeds from external.php to display the entire thread instead of just the thread preview then you can add an option like "fulldesc=1" to the URL. For example,
http://www.saviour-pc.com/forums/ext...hp?forumids=54 versus
http://www.saviour-pc.com/forums/ext...=54&fulldesc=1. I
personally wouldn't give the full feed since then it doesn't give the reader motive to click the link and visit the site since but if you want to change it then modify your "cv_ffl_forum_feed_link" template and change it from...
$vboptions[bburl]/external.php<if condition="$forumid">?forumids=$forumid</if>
... to ...
$vboptions[bburl]/external.php?fulldesc=1<if condition="$forumid">&forumids=$forumid</if>
... instead. Note that besides adding the fulldesc=1 option the "?" in the if condition changes to an ampersand "&" as well.