Originally Posted by da420
Fiat money system, central banking (as Truth Elixer said, federal reserve), low interest rates creates a false sense of wealth
Pretty much every country uses a Fiat money system. Not to mention it was working pretty well for the US until recently. Interest rates are low in Canada too, yet our dollar has been climbing.
The US dollar is falling because it imports far more then it exports, and is spending ridiculous amounts of money that it doesn't have to fight a war. The people are doing the same things, spending money they don't have, carrying credit card debt and mortgages they can't afford.
Combine that with a pretty much across the board opinion of the USA from other countries, and as a result them becoming less reliant through looking elsewhere for trade and producing there own goods. (ex. cars, not long ago American cars ruled the streets, now Japanese and German cars do)
Not to mention all the outsourcing to other countries that has been going on to take advantage of cheap labour.