I am not sure if I am eligible to nominate my own website, but hope I can give it a go.
Site Name: Lorelei Web Forum
Description: The board is mainly dedicated to Photoshop and design tutorials, graphics and learning web development, however we also have our "Cosy Tavern" where members can chill out and forget about computers, as much as it's possible anyway. We also have a big arcade and a roleplaying section. Moreover, every week we hold graphical competitions -- Photoshop Olympics, SOTW, and more.
Reason for Nomination: Our community has been online for almost 2 years now, I am proud of my own design and our friendly atmosphere, as well as the decent share of valued content. We don't shower our members and visitors with adverts or newsletters, and regular participants can avail of our special goodies (exclusive downloads, free blog hosting without ads, occasional prizes, etc). We give members as much as we can and I think it's a good reason for nomination.