have asked vB, but unfortunately, I have not received a solution from them.
For some reason, in some threads, specifically in one forum (
Articles), the BB codes in the posts do not get translated, after some unknown event. That is all the brackets with the codes are displayed.
The BB codes would work for a day, or a week, then suddenly just appear as text.
I cannot tag it to a time event, or posting, because this has happened at any time of the day with no changes to the threads in question.
I have disabled all plug-ins before, and the result is the same.
If I go into the BBCode settings under admincp, and just resave a BB code without any changes, the translation works.
It might be related to a specific cron job, but cannot figure which would touch the DB to corrupt it.

I ran some of them, but no results.
The current plug-ins are
Advanced BBCode Permissions, Archive Adsense, Commbull, Limited Guest Viewing, Miserable Users, vBadvanced CMPS, vbBannerRotator by Frapegliko, and
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator.
I use the default template, with style modifications.
I would love to hear some ideas, or solutions on how to fix this!