Originally Posted by baby41
Thanks for your reply but it didn't worked,I'm using Vb 3.6.8 and xmass2007 skin and I have other 4 skins on site and all 4 work fine but not to the default theme to all my members the xmass2007,what can I do more  
In the styles and template manager, can you check for this style what is the path to the misc images for it ?
Maybe it's not called misc for that style, this could be the reason.
Originally Posted by Saviour
Thanks for getting back to me on that...I'm pretty sure the vb censor isn't working since I was able to type words that are censored in the chat box and they were showing up...others may want to test this as well and reply. Of course...I do not have the chat box on any of my forum pages...I just have a link to the Chatbox on my navbar and it opens its own page.
One other thing...the smilies add a nice touch, but for those who have a lot of smilies, the way you have it implemented, really isn't user friendly. If you want to display your board's smilies and have a lot...then they take up a lot of space when opened through the chat box. You may want to implement a feature like the smilie category hack that opens a separate window when the chat box smiley face is clicked...then let the user select the smiley from within categories. Just a thought...but a good one.
Yes I'll wait for it to be reproduced coz I remembered having tested it and it was working :/
Yes I know that the way I implemented it is not that much user friendly.
But implementing in another way could make it harder and I didn't had the time though to work on that part. But I think for the version following the new one, I might dig into that by building up a smilies selection page
Originally Posted by SaTaNaSsO
i have another question...
this is the result of the installation... i found how to switch the language ( it was my error on installating chatbox language)...
how can i display the smilies? and the bbcode options??

Originally Posted by baby41
As VBdev allready told me You have to upload the mgc_chatbox image folder in each misc directory of your styles.(But I still didn't got 1 skin working with this,lol)
As baby41 said to you, you have to upload the images n all your misc directory.
And perhaps activate the bbcode and smileys options if needed