Superb Amy if you don't mind me saying
A reminder to any users to REMEMBER to edit the xml file to show your google publisher details before you import the product, I opened the xml file using notepad - changes shown below:
- Change the google_ad_client = "pub-YOUR PUBLISHER ID NUMBER HERE";
- Change the google_ad_channel =""; to google_ad_channel ="YOUR AD CHANNEL HERE";
Easiest way to find these details is to view the source code where any Google ads are showing on your forum and simply copy and paste the details - Remember you need a channel for this to work, though it can be the same one that you are already using on the site though I guess you won't know exactly how much money the archive pages are generating because they will be lumped in with the rest of the ads on the forum.
To any folks out there wondering how to install this xml file:
Go to AdminCP > Manage Products and click on [Add/Import Product] then browse for the XML file and press the Import button.
If I can do it then anyone can do it
For info I'm running 3.6.8 PL2