vBulletin 3.7 - First Look
It's that time again! Today, the vBulletin development team is proud to unveil for the first time the forthcoming vBulletin version: 3.7.0.
vBulletin 3.7.0 contains a plethora of new features, many of which have been long requested by users and customers, while other new features will come as a surprise to everyone. 3.7.0 is slated to be the final major release of the vBulletin 3.x series before all forum development efforts are switched over to vBulletin 4.x, after which 3.x will receive only bug fix releases.
In terms of timescales, the plan is to upgrade vBulletin.com to run on vBulletin 3.7.0 on Monday (November 26th) and to let it run for a few days in order to get some feedback and bug reports before releasing the first public beta.
So, to the important bit: what's new in vBulletin 3.7?
Answer: Lots. But here, in no particular order, are some highlights...
Please read the full announcement and all new features at vBulletin.com: More...