Originally Posted by 711
Great mod as usual Paul, installed!
One suggestion:
I prefer to only allow admins to view the page tracking features, and allow registered users only to view the summary stats on FORUMHOME. However, even though registered users cannot see the page tracking stats pages (they get the default no_permission message), a link still shows for them in the What's Going On section on FORUMHOME. It would be great if those links only were presented to usergroups that actually have permissions to view the page tracking pages.
Originally Posted by Paul M
That's already been mentioned
It may get added in the future, possibly when this gets ported to vb 3.7.
Is there no way for me to edit the templates to accomplish this?
I scoured the templates, and finally got dizzy trying to find out how the final html output code is built in this thing lol. I even examined your XML product file and cant see where the a href links come from.
I also have your Who Visited Today mod installed. One nice feature of that mod is the ability to only show the summary stats (e.g. how it looks when collapsed).
This would be a great addition to this mod, imho. I have the two mods one on top of the other, so it would very tidy if I could get both to display collapsed for users, while the admins can use the full functionailty.
Anyway, great work on your mods, always top notch. :up:
Happy Turkey Day!