Originally Posted by deezelpope
Ooooh, thanks for linking me.
I perused that page and noticed Jungle cats aren't native to this country. Kinda seems to me they were imported and cross-bred intentionally. I'm not saying the Isis Oasis did this intentionally...I'm saying somewhere, someone over the years brought them here for that purpose...*shakes head in dismay*
Could be.. About 15 miles from my house is an Exotic Feline Breeding Compound where they breed jaguars, leopards, pallas cats, cervals, tigers along with other endangered cats. They receive animals from zoos all over the world for their breeding program. Now they wouldn't do this but they have a drug-addicted tiger there. The tiger is a rescue sent there by the DEA. It was recovered in a drug-bust and his previous owner kept him doped up on heroin to keep him docile. They can never breed him in the breeding program because they don't know his genealogy but they can give him a home.