Originally Posted by Paul M
If a forum were to have no visitors in say a two hour period, are missed vb cron jobs then executed? The result being that the task for this add-on may run all missed tasks and thereby possibly causing quotas to be exceeded?
Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by this.
To re-phrase, are missed cron jobs still executed at the next opporutinty? For example, if there are no visitors for 2 hours then the (default - every 10 minutes) 'process mail queue' cron job would would miss 12 'executions' of the job. Would these missed 'executions' then all (12) be run at the next opportunity, or would the never be run.
The reason I ask is that if I were on a throttled account of say 500 emails/hour and had configured my vb system to send batches of 100 emails every 10 minutes (using this add-on) and if all 12 missed executions were run at the next opportunity, that would be 1200 emails send in a short space of time - totally trashing my 500 email/hour limit.
Clear as mud?