Edit: Confirmed by Andreas that it will not be compatible
[S]you may be able to get it running under 3.5.4 by editing the product-tms.xml file and replace all occurences.
BUT - If there are 3.6.x code dependent hooks, it likely will not work and you may need to disable all plugins so you can then uninstall. AFter looking through all the posts in this thread, there is no menation of people NOT being able to get it working on 3.5.x..... yet[/s]
[s]<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">[/s]
[s]<plugin active="1">[/s]
[s]then try and install again?[/s]
Otherwise the uninstallation instructions in the readme.txt file are:
Originally Posted by readme.txt
1) Uninstall product'Template Modification System' in ACP 'Products & Plugins / Manage Products'
2) Delete the following files
- includes/xml/cpnav_tms.xml
- admincp/templateedits.php
- includes/adminfunctions_templateedits.php
- clientscript/tms_templateeditmgr.js
- clientscript/tms_ajax.js
- includes/md5_sums_tms.php
You won't need to do step 1 if the install is failing