This is fantastic. Although one problem. It only goes as far as announcementread before stopping. No errors or anything, it just stops. (Been doing it manually to test)
Ive read through the topic and seen people with a simialr problem who said it was to do with their host. As my host is usless as solving problems despite me paying a fortune each month, I decided to back up the normal way using VB's built in system. It came back with this:
Database Backup
Processing: access
Processing: adminhelp
Processing: administrator
Processing: adminlog
Processing: adminmessage
Processing: adminutil
Processing: adv_modules
Processing: adv_pages
Processing: adv_setting
Processing: adv_settinggroup
Processing: announcement
Processing: announcementread
Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in /includes/class_core.php on line 371
Database Error Database error
The Dover Locals database has encountered a problem.
Below is line 371-385
if ($queryresult = $this->functions[$buffered ? 'query' : 'query_unbuffered']($this->sql, $link))
// unset $sql to lower memory .. this isn't an error, so it's not needed
$this->sql = '';
return $queryresult;
// unset $sql to lower memory .. error will have already been thrown
$this->sql = '';
Am I right in thinking this is definatly a problem with the server my site is hosted on? If so, what do I need to ask them?
All the best