here is a hack that will give your mods more power without having them roam round the Admin Control Panel
Mods can now UNBAN as well as BAN users.
Mods can now Ban people from specific Forums
Mods can now add/remove Smileys to the database
Mods can view Forums Stats
Mods can edit peoples Usernames *
Mods can edit Peoples Signatures *
Mods can edit peoples Avitars *
Mods can edit BASIC profile information *
Mods can give Custom User Titles to a user *
Mods can still veiw a persons complete profile
Mods can send Password Reminders
Mods can now Authorise COPPA users *
Mods can now authorise (Awaiting Email Notification) **
Mods can now authorise Unregistered/Not Loggid in users **
* Can only edit registered users
** Using the UNBAN feature
To use simply extract all the files into your MOD folder to activate the features
Please report any Bugs you find this hack works fine on my forums and another that I moderate
[attachment removed due to containing complete files]