Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Cookies.. Any kind as long as they are "home-made" really but my all-time favorites are Snickerdoodles and Sutter's Home (Peanut Butter w/ chunks of chocolate). I don't eat any mass-marketed cookies except for the Pepperidge Farm brand but will on occasion buy cookies from the bakery. After that pretty much any kind of pie with Pecan, Pumpkin and Apple at the top of the list.
I love chocolate but cannot stand the taste of chocolate cake, ice cream or pudding and only eat chunk chocolate in cookies. Yeah, I know its weird but just how I am. I have an ex-girlfriend who didn't know this and she gave me a surprise birthday party (another thing I hate) with a chocolate cake.
I'm not a fan of plain chocolate anything either. I'm one of those people that can't stand desserts that are really rich or overly chocolatey, so I have to have that good balance between chocolatey but not too sweet or rich. When I get birthday cakes (store bought ones), I like to get a chocolate vanilla swirl, but then I get the whipped topping which is almost like a cool whip texture and flavor... it's very light and doesn't taste like solid sugar.
I also only eat cookies that are homemade. I LOVE cookies but I usually only eat them right after they come out of the oven, when they're still warm and gooey

I just did make snickerdoodles for the first time a few weeks ago and they were very yummy!