vBulletin datastore cache incomplete or corrupt
I've applied some customizations using the hooks system. The plugin is named as "Redirect Checking". This hook is invoked at global_start level.
this hook is meant to check if a premium member is on non-deluxe server, if yes, will do a redirect to our deluxe forums domain.
likewise, if a non-premium member is on deluxe server, it will do a redirect to non-deluxe forums domain.
as premium members, they get to enjoy a 'dedicated access' to forums.
In our setup, its 2 web fronts accessing the same backend db.
If I turn on this hook, I experience error pages 'vBulletin datastore cache incomplete or corrupt'. The only strange thing is it doesn't always appear. It seems to appear randomly. And it appears only in a few pages, notably index.php, login.php, payments.php and usercp.php.
Any idea why the error of vB datastore cache appears randomly? If it's a problem with my customized hook, then shouldn't the error appears systematically?