Originally Posted by yahoooh
any news for any new version that has more features that me and others requist ,
i think version 3 will be more and more than perfect
I hope it will
I have so little free time at present. Producing a new release is a major piece of work in order to test all the combinations. So I am trying to keep up with the support but have not done any more development since 2.2.8-post 1 was released.
Can you confirm - you want me to extend the synchronisation features as follows:
- one category will synchronise with a directory and all its subdirectories, rather than creating new subcategories for each subdirectory
- different templates for constructing the entry description
I wasn't sure what you meant by 'special template for category "show"' - do you mean you want the 'show what's new/what's hot/etc' commands to be able to use a different template?