Originally Posted by Pasargad
Regarding new templates. I do not want to turn my VB-forum to a photoalbum but have discussions and give members oppotunity to upload some photos if they want.
Thats exactly what this mod does. The only difference with 4images is that this mod automaticly copies your background colours, uses your Vb usernames and such.
Originally Posted by Pasargad
I do not want to change my forum template either. I have done some hard work to adjust the template to the whole site.
What template are you talking about? Your forum has several templates in several groups, UCP templates, memberinfo templates, who is online templates,.... once you install this mod you will have also an photoplog group templates. What about backing up your database and installing a copy of your DB in a test directory, and than add this mod to it?
Originally Posted by Pasargad
Installing Photoplog Lite, does it mean that it changes my whole entire template for the forum?
No. Please define "template".
Perhaps you can read about templates first.
Originally Posted by Pasargad
Is there any other mod that does not do it?
All other photo mods work about the same as this one.