Hello Ted,
Thank you for this mod, it works superb!
I need a help with a small change I am looking at.
Please see the attached screen shot of my site showing the message for a vistior (not logged in just lurking).
This message - "Register Today, it is FREE and you could WIN a T-shirt! Don't miss to interact...", it appears in 2 locations...
1) Below the navbar breadcromb, left of the login panel.
2) Below the Forum menu as a separate block - which keeps repeating in all pages within the forum the visitor would navigate.
I know that both locations are showing the same message because of the "navbar" template calling the "welcomeheader" template which uses the phrase welcome_guest.
Just to let you know I am calling the 'welcomeheader' template in 'navbar' and NOT in 'Forumhome' since I am running vbseo.
I want to know, if it's possible to display a different message in the below breadcrumb location and not the same as below the forum home, so that I can use the locations for different messages.
Like in the below breadcrumb - welcome message informing about my community
In the below forum menu - tempting a visitor to register.
Thanks in advance for you suggestion.