Ok...how to get images next to the game names.
(This won't give you a casino index exactly like mine, this will give you a standard casino index but with images of your choice next to the game names.)
First you need to choose some copyright-free images. Look for free icon sites. Ideally your images should be around 32 X 32 in size. Create a folder within your casino folder and call it "images". So the path is then yourdomain.com/casino/images.
You then need to upload each image to the server, but rename it to the same as the
gamename for the game it relates to. These are listed in
AdminCP > Casino > Casino Settings
under "Games Available", they are the first (unalterable) name, not the name you can change. So for example the icon you want to appear for Video Poker needs be named
Upload all these to the /casino/images/ folder you have just created.
Then go to your
casino_index_game template. (Take a copy of it first if you have customised it in any way.)
Replace the whole template with this:
<td class='alt$i'>
<td width='36px' align='center'>
<a href='casino.php?do=$gamefile'><img class='inlineimg' src='casino/images/$gamefile.gif' border='0' /></a></td>
<td align='left' width='95%'><span><b><a href='casino.php?do=$gamefile'>$gamename</a></b></span><br />
<td class='alt$i'>
If your images are jpgs or pngs rather than gifs, then just change
$gamefile.gif to
$gamefile.jpg or
If your images are all the same size then you can add
width='xx' height='xx' into the
<img> tag, that will assist with smoother page loading.
I have tested the above on my site and it works fine but I offer no guarantees. If anyone wishes to make any changes/improvements etc to the above then feel free to do so and post it here, I'm fine with that. These instructions can also be taken and posted anywhere, I'm not fussy about that either.