Originally Posted by skariko
I've installed it.. i follow the instruction but i can't find on my template this part:
We need to modify some styles, for example we'll change instances of "class='tcat'" to "class='blogtcat'". To do this:
Edit the templates:
BLOG, blog_comment, blog_entry_without_userinfo, blog_show_entry, blog_sidebar_user
and replace them with the ones included with this hack, inside the "templates" directory
I try to go here:
And search in the templates.. but I have no the instances "CLASS='TCAT'"..
That was just an example to describe the type of changes that should be expected in the templates, I have included the actual new templates in the zip, as text files, you just need to open "BLOG.txt" of the zip, cut and paste all the contents on your "BLOG" template, then open "blog_comment.txt" of the zip, cut and paste all the contents on your "blog_comment" template of your forum.... and so on.
I include the templates instead of automatically replacing them, because some people, me included, like to know exactly what was changed, fast setup is just copy-paste the templates, but you could also compare side-to-side each one of the templates I mentioned and compare the changes.