Please help: Adding events programatically
I am trying to add events programaticaly from my custom CMS.
I have added the following 2 events
event id 178 was added via my CMS and does NOT show up in the vbulletin calendar.
event id 179 was added via vbulletin and does show up in the vbulletin calendar.
178 1 <strong>The Chemical Brothers</strong><p><br/>
<im... The Chemical Brothers 1 0 1 a:0:{} 1 1195034917 0 1204887600 0 0
179 1 test Chemical bros 1 0 1 a:0:{} 1 1195036164 0 1204848000 0 0
Why does event id 179 no appear in the calendar?
Is their a cache i need to refresh?