Originally Posted by Analogpoint
Different stats programs deal with this differently.
Visits: 3222 (Probably unique visitors per day, based on IP address)
Pages: 100,954 (This would be the pageviews per day)
Hits: 449,948 (This is every time anything is requested from the server, images, pages, js files etc. One pageview can generate a dozen or more hits)
So, yes you're getting about 100k daily pageviews. Not bad. Your adsense stats of 60k impressions per day are for your ads. Normally it would be similar to your pageviews, but if lots of your visitors have ad blockers or javascript disabled, you could have this discrepancy.
I have a paid memberships option that allows members to turn off ads, and quite a few of my members do subscribe to this. So, that would explain the difference in the adsense versus my stats program.
Thank you for your help with this. Here I always thought the hits were pageviews, so I'm glad I got this cleared up for future reference!