Hey Mutt,
Thanks for answering some of my questions...
One thing I did... and I don't know if this is okay or not, but it seems to be working fine... I have ORDER BY username, session.lastactivity) now and that's putting them in alphabetical order. I like seeing the times, but alphabetical order makes more sense to me, just because if I'm looking for someone specific, it's easy to find. (
update -- I've changed it back to host... I realized that once I sorted it by username, I was getting people showing up two and three times again... so for now it's back to sort by host)
Only my guests are getting "Unknown" and it links to my main forum page. On my server that can be either index.php or the root (fishyvb.something-fishy.org)
I'd like all the guests lumped together at the bottom because separating them would mean being able to turn them off in future versions of the hack (maybe?) -- so for example... options to "see guests, see ghosts, see registered users only" etc. In most cases I could care less where guests are -- it's rare that I even need that info. I'm sure there are others that don't really need or want the online list cluttered with guests either.
One last thing... and this is another question...
I noticed in the original hack locations were determined by (strstr(strstr($location,"action=faq")!==false) ... you are doing (strstr($location,"misc.php")) instead. Is there any problem with me switching some of them back to the old way ... the reason I ask is because I created a custom chat login page, and in doing some of that I added a #start chat# section to misc.php -- so if they are on misc.php it could either be in the faq or my chat login. (Go easy on me, I'm no coding wiz LOL) -- I tried doing the (strstr($location,"action=faq")!==false) and (strstr($location,"action=chat")!==false) in your online.php and it seems to be working fine... but I thought I'd run that by ya and make sure I'm not screwing with something I shouldn't be.
most important... functionality issue...
Last but not least -- and this was happening "right out of the box" before I did any of my own modifications... Sometimes I see the users location as just "posting :" -- without any forum name or link. It SEEMS to be when they are replying that this happens, and maybe editing. When I looked at your code it looks like you lumped these three together (new thread, new reply, editing) to appear as one location. I think it would be nice to see a difference between posting and replying (and even editing) -- in the original hack you could see "replying to thread..." Also, like I said, when they are replying I'm just getting "posting :" with no forum name or link.
You asked for feedback -- maybe I'm giving ya more than you wanted (hehehe) -- Believe me, I'm not UNHAPPY with what you've done at all, I think it's great -- but you asked for volunteers
Thanks for all you've put into this so far... I know it can be time consuming to do all this!
ps. You asked for volunteers with busy boards... of course, "busy" is pretty subjective... but almost around the clock I have at least 100 registered users logged in -- highest it goes is about 200, lowest is about 75. Don't know if that qualifies, but I thought I'd let ya know -- and it's all very speedy