hey crew
what i've been working on
checking permissions to filter out ones you aren't supposed to see
breaking a big page into multiple pages
not showing pm column if pms are off
cfg options to turn on/off
- PM
- avatar
- profile icons
cfg option to pick php or php3
answering questions
they are ordered by ip. I'd perfer sorted by time, but the order is necessary to pick out the duplicates. changing the order would be possible but slow it down a little. I'd have to have it build the array then read the array to build the page instead of just building the page in one step. if it would have been ok to filter out the duplicates when sessions table is built, I could sort it any old way and still be fast.
filtering guests off to the bottom. yes it's do-able but why? I'll look at it and see how easy it would be.
you have gotten an unknown location description? please let me know the url when you get these. email them to me. it has nothing to do with them being guests, it means they are somewhere that I'm not recognizing. if you let me know the url, I can add that description.
I'll add a cfg option to have the online page viewable by admins
if you don't show up, hit refresh. it's wierd but it's like it reads sessions table then writes to it. this means that when you go to the online page, it's one behind and sees you at your last location.
I'll try and work on it tonight and upload the newest version.