300-400 user on a VPS looks a lot to me , I mean you 'll have to contact each provider 1 per 1 to check first , how many VPS cutomers arre hosted per machines at maximum, for exemple I told to eapps how many, they replied 100, so if you count 100*400, I doubt they will host easly 40000users online in same time on a box that does 10$/Mo VPS, you will have to search/contact about that to find quality providers thats does charge each box, or to move on a dedicated is better I think in your case because your site will probably grow. Just my 2cent suggestion.
Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
You seem to give a reply to almost every thread in this forum, and often (not saying always, i have also seen some good valuable posts made by you) the post does not make any sense.
I think you must not allow to put .com in the nickname, that does some sort of advertising because I saw lots of post of him in hosting talks , he's maybe some sort of new generation bot heh...