Each .map-file is configured as the following:
Line: Descr
1-4: coord-range for each card (1: east, 2: west, 3: north, 4: south)
5: Name of the map
6-7: country-ID of the map
8-9: size of the map-graphic
10-11: Distance on map in pixel at each border
12: Name of the map-files
13: Amount of countries on that map
14-15: Name of the country/countries on map and its country-ID (continues if more countries on map)
You can get the range for each card while looking into your geodatas (longitute, lattitute).
Sorry for less support, but we habe been working on vB-Ticker (people can use Tickers in their profile just like tickercentral, babygaga and so on) which we released in german just recently, also we're working on another project for vB.