Originally Posted by eUKhost.com
VPS is the right idea I guess and there wont be any problems for you. It can easily handle 400-500 users online.
You seem to give a reply to almost every thread in this forum, and often (not saying always, i have also seen some good valuable posts made by you) the post does not make any sense.
"VPS is the right idea I guess"
He is not asking if VPS is the right choice.
"and there wont be any problems for you."
Don't you think this will depend on his choice of host and the package?
"It can easily handle 400-500 users online."
What is 'it', a specific VPS package at the host he is asking about (hostgator)?
How many concurrent users a VPS can handle, depends on the configuration of that VPS, a generic reply like you are giving has absolutly no value.
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