Originally Posted by Shanj
Thank you that was a marvellous response - lightning fast and yet thorough and informative - and not condescending. Have no idea why you're apologising - I couldn't have asked for a better reply.
Please could you just add a little to these 2 replies. Sorry to ask more and I don't expect response in minutes again! Just would like to know fairly soon without pressure.
3. [Search on the top toolbar] You said:
By default, there will be a checkmark to make it so that users will only search your forum, although that checkmark can be unselected by which members would search Zoints as a whole.
Is this checkmark in the member's settings?
I'm not sure if I understand. It sounds like you are saying that I can as admin default this to checked but it can be unchecked at member level?
If this is so a workaround is that I set it as default checked to my community only. Then I go in the code and comment out the lines of code that display the option with its checkbox to the member.
I can do this kind of commenting out for myself if someone could help me locate the page template. Have done it quite a bit on my VB.
6. Communities cannot be hidden as that is a violation of use of Zoints Local.
So if I have elected not to join the Zoints Community Directory, what happens when the Communities button is clicked on the top toolbar?
A message saying access is not permitted?
Thank you again for outstandingly good help.
Adding on to question #2, I meant that the system by default comes with that checkmark box selected, it's not something you can turn on or off. But yes, members can uncheck it to search Zoints as a whole. Disabling that functionality is again against the allowed usage of Zoints Local. At the moment we are not currently offering it, but should it become available in the future, an Autonomous license would be what you are searching for as I do not believe that Zoints Local as it is would satisfy your needs for a private community.
The reason I say this is because using Zoints Local from the download here entails the Community button, allows for outside searching and those are removed from the Autonomous License. I do not know if that will become available again in the future, that's not my call to make, but if you are still looking for a social networking solution if that license is made available again, I believe that will satisfy what you are looking for. I only say this because I do not want to suggest a solution that will make you as a forum owner or your members in any way unhappy, and Zoints Local as it comes here is based around a forum community aspect that your forum as a private community would not really fit with.
For your other community however, Zoints Local would be a fit if you were looking for the same features provided, but were ok with Zoints being connected to it.
Originally Posted by Shanj
So if I have elected not to join the Zoints Community Directory, what happens when the Communities button is clicked on the top toolbar?
A message saying access is not permitted?
Or maybe we create our own internal communities?
I actually mis-stated that earlier. By joining Zoints and using Zoints Local your members will be included in the searches by Zoints.com. I thought they wouldn't if you didn't join directory, for some reason, but they are. This is the primary reason as to why I made the above suggestion not to use Zoints Local with such a private community.
And internal communities or a special message is not possible, with this version of Zoints, the communities button is to link to the Zoints.com Community Directory.
Sorry about the confusion and I hope this was helpful.
- Reid