Originally Posted by jdelasko
I'm beginning to believe that No one is concerned about a wysiwyg editor. It would be nice to hear someone from Zoints give ocassional updates on this issue to let us know what the plan is... or even if there is a plan. This is not a trivial issue for a lot of Zoints users.
The fact that I opened up a support ticket is irrelivent. I did that when I thought I had some sort of installation or settings problem and I did not realize at the time that it's a coding issue. I've also noticed that some of the customizations I added to my vbulletin editor are not ported over to the Zoints pages nor does some of my custom BB code work in Zoints. Bummer.
You do have to keep in mind that we do a lot of support, have a social network of quite a few people and we do not charge anything for our products. I am someone from Zoints and I would update you if I had something to update, I am sorry that our priorities do not match your's, but obviously its something will ideally be fixed in the future. And to be completely honest, there really has not been a terrible outcry for this from the hundreds of forums that have used Zoints, not to say it is a trivial issue but an issue that many (including their members) have adapted to. Again, we want to fix it, we knew of it being a problem as obviously it wasn't an oversight we didn't catch when developing Zoints Local... we had legitimate problems with trying to bring it over.
As for the ticket, I only mentioned that because if there was a quick fix (I am not an engineer), at the time you might of received correspondence via there about the issue. I am not trying to be rude, but we realize that not everything is perfect with the system and you just have to have patience and good faith in that we'll try to fix it.
- Reid