Thank you that was a marvellous response - lightning fast and yet thorough and informative - and not condescending. Have no idea why you're apologising - I couldn't have asked for a better reply.
Please could you just add a little to these 2 replies. Sorry to ask more and I don't expect response in minutes again! Just would like to know fairly soon without pressure.
3. [Search on the top toolbar] You said:
By default, there will be a checkmark to make it so that users will only search your forum, although that checkmark can be unselected by which members would search Zoints as a whole.
Is this checkmark in the member's settings?
I'm not sure if I understand. It sounds like you are saying that I can as admin default this to checked but it can be unchecked at member level?
If this is so a workaround is that I set it as default checked to my community only. Then I go in the code and comment out the lines of code that display the option with its checkbox to the member.
I can do this kind of commenting out for myself if someone could help me locate the page template. Have done it quite a bit on my VB.
6. Communities cannot be hidden as that is a violation of use of Zoints Local.
So if I have elected not to join the Zoints Community Directory, what happens when the Communities button is clicked on the top toolbar?
A message saying access is not permitted?
Thank you again for outstandingly good help.