Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH
I don't know what the solution could be other than the engineers coding a version with that included. I am assuming there was some difficulties which made it impossible to include at the time of the past releases. You've opened up a ticket and posted over there (at the support forums) as well, so if an answer is to be found regarding this, it'll be there.
- Reid
I'm beginning to believe that No one is concerned about a wysiwyg editor. It would be nice to hear someone from Zoints give ocassional updates on this issue to let us know what the plan is... or even if there is a plan. This is not a trivial issue for a lot of Zoints users.
The fact that I opened up a support ticket is irrelivent. I did that when I thought I had some sort of installation or settings problem and I did not realize at the time that it's a coding issue. I've also noticed that some of the customizations I added to my vbulletin editor are not ported over to the Zoints pages nor does some of my custom BB code work in Zoints. Bummer.