I would love to use zoints to provide a high quality profile service for a particular site I run using VB - so my members can see each others' interests, pictures etc. But this particular site I need all services to be private, so the members do not have access to other zoints users/ nor vice versa, should external zoints users have access to them.
I have another site where the full zoints service would be great but not for the members only site.
I have set up a test account on zoints to see what it's like.
Please can you tell me if I can set certain privacy options from admin level -
I can put comment code around bits of code to hide/disable certain functions if I'm told where to look or it's findable in page templates.
1. Set any join/ register options to hidden (my members are created by me ONLY on our VB forums)
2. Set all zoints pages on my site only viewable by my members.
My members are not searchable by other zoints users on other communities.
3. Profile page: Under My Network,
Find Friends only searches my memberlist
4. Profile page: Under My Network, My Communities is disabled (hidden)
5. On the toolbar Search only searches my memberlist
6. On the toolbar Communities is hidden.
7. On the toolbar People displays only my members and I can disable all the most popular/ most viewed/ highest rated tabs.
8. In Settings - Notifications only trigger by my members.
9. In Settings - My Referrals is disabled/ hidden
10. In Settings - Home Community is set to mine and cannot be changed.
11. Community Filter is disabled/ hidden
12. Blocked Members is disabled/ hidden.