I don't expect support, but maybe a reply...
I had this installed on my forum, yet the flickering was annoying. I used (.png) files as images, 468x60 banners...
The transparent background worked fine on the vb default skin, but not on a modified skin...
The flickering...even after adjusting duration...continued...on both skins...
Not to be disrespectful to any of the coders out there...I think the time and effort you put into these mods demands respect...the only problem with a lot of these mods...depending on the coder...is the turnaround time for support answers...
The problem with this mod, is that it may need to be rethought a little...maybe a preview feature before actually enabling the banner images.
Also...you'll need to fix the flickering...and give the Admins a way to customize these images on their modified skins...IMO.
Thanks...but "uninstalled".