Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
You are screwed.
You can not restore just 1 user.
The best you can do is:
- Create a new user for him and setup as usual. Make a note of the new userid.
- Run the following queries to bring back the threads and posts to his new acount (create backup before doing so!!!!!), replacing the correct username and userid (this assumes you will reregister him with the same name):
SQL Query: ( how to run queries)
UPDATE post set userid = NEW_USERID WHERE username = 'OLD_USERNAME';
SQL Query: ( how to run queries)
UPDATE thread set postuserid = NEW_USERID WHERE postusername = 'OLD_USERNAME';
lol Yea I thought I was screwed.. To a certain point anyway...
This is what I did and I THINK I may be pretty good considering my boneheaded move..
I recreated a user with the same username.. Went into the database and changed his new user to have the old ID.. Thankfully I had a page open with a link of his name so I didnt have to figure it out. Once I did that, some of the hacks I have linked right back up his profile.. Ribbons, Gifts... Stuff like that... I have never pruned or manually set post count so I am rebuilding that now.. I guess I could have just manually put in his posts since I knew what it was (again from that page I had open).. I am thinking I might be good on most counts.. Any thoughts?