Originally Posted by basil2005
Alright basil, first go here and ensure that your forum path doesn't accidentally have a double slash inputted:
Originally Posted by powerful_rogue
In regards to the blocks - Is there anywhere else these are available? Activity at dev.zoints.com is very very low.
Block development at dev.zoints.com is the only place I know of. We are really dependent on third party developers developing blocks as it would be a never ending process for us to create blocks that would satisfy all, let alone support them. If you or anyone else is interested in block development, I would suggest starting a thread there and maybe those with the talent will come to help out and develop what the community is looking for.
Originally Posted by huntrKillr
Hello, I followed all installation directions etc. etc. yet when a profile is click on my forums it goes straight to a directory showing all my folders. What am I doing wrong and also, is there a way to show how many vbcredits a person has on their profle? As of right now I have it disabled so I can't show you an example but I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Thank you. 
Like I mentioned a few posts above, if you are using mod rewrite (with the .htaccess file), is the .htaccess file placed in the correct location? If so, could you please turn off mod rewrite and see if that corrects the problem? Typically, if mod rewrite is not enabled (on the server, not the feature in Zadmin) a 404 error will be given so I don't suspect that is it alone but the .htaccess file could certainly be placed in the wrong location.
If that fails, open up a ticket with us so we can pursue it further.
As for vB Credits, it would be possible if you or someone else developed a block for it, but I don't believe one currently exists (to my knowledge.)
- Reid