great work here..
but I would like to resize the images depending of the user resolution...
i thinked about setting a maximum width like a percentage of the resolution or the width like the resolution - K (where K is a constant that I want configure through admin cp)
i choosed the second option... because its better at my case...
so, I did this modification at vbulletin_global.js
function resize_image(obj, link, k)
var browserwidth = window.document.body.clientWidth;
var maxwidth = browserwidth - k;
if (obj.width > maxwidth)
obj.style.cursor = 'pointer';
obj.style.width = maxwidth + 'px';
obj.style.height = parseInt(obj.height * maxwidth / obj.width) + 'px';
obj.onclick = function()
window.open(link, '_blank');
return false;
I think this will work fine.. i am posting before trying...
but I dont know why I have to modify the CSS... thats for resizing when javascript is disabled?
I will try to make my mod and use it without the CSS mods... then I post here the results... but if someone knows the answer then can help me...
ps: it worked fine!
but I am curious about what that css will do... i think thats because of javascript desabled.. or that avoid to load the image and then resize it.... but i am not sure...