When I got the reply email I first thought it was from deezelpope... (because I usually skip the
name has just replied part)- then I clicked on the link to come here and was puzzled - and surprised. (since it doesn't say the name after the * in the reply;
* goes thru the pictures) - now I think I might be disappointed...
Marco, If these pictures can compete with Danny's I'll be ok...
Meanwhile I've got two projects - two new photos - and I've got several cats of my own I'm going to look for later - photos of them. I won't even get into the cat I threw away once - took me 2 minutes to realize she was in a garbage bag outside before I rescued her. After those cats, we never had cats in the house again... until...
The mousesnatcher...

Every time she hears the mouse-clicky, she attacks (and I have to move the mouse).