Originally Posted by Michael Morris
You sure? There are 5 templates here that all much change. FORUMHOME (the legend is near the bottom of the template) forumhome_level1_post, forumhome_level1_nopost, forumhome_level2_post, forumhome_level2_nopost.
If you are unsure of the template responsible go to vbulletin options and in general settings turn on "Display template name in html comments" This will put the template names in the output code so you can see which template needs to be altered.
Thanks for pointing out the templates. I had searched and replaced forum_new.gif (etc.) with png file variants Though this worked for FORUMHOME, forumhome_level1_post and forumhome_level2_post were referencing the files as variables ($forum[statusicon].png). It was a quick fix once I knew where to look.