Originally Posted by emtee
I set Sort by Last Post Time with order Descending, but the latest news not yet replied supposed to be showned first, but it's not. Instead, it's somewhere in another page in the middle. That means Last Thread with no reply has lower priority than the thread with latest comment, doesn't it? Is it supposed to be like that?
Sort by Last Post Time Descending shows the thread with the most recent start time (if replies = 0) or reply (if replies > 0) first, followed by the second most recent and so on.
"Latest news not yet replied" would be Sort by Number of Replies, Ascending. This would show threads with 0 replies first, 1 reply second, etc. Where more than 1 thread has X number of replies, I believe it would sort only those threads by Thread Start Time Descending, since that is default with this mod.
As you can see the Last Thread with no reply should have lower priority only if Sort by Number of Replies is set to Descending, or if that is not even the sort order at all. I'm not sure I understand exactly what you wanted to achieve, but glad you were able to do it.