Right now (at my nearest petrol station):
Unleaded Petrol: 97.9p per litre
Super-unleaded Petrol: 101.9p per litre
Diesel: 101.9p per litre
1 Imperial Gallon = 4.54609188 litres
1 US Gallon = 3.7854118 litres
(1 Imperial Gallon = 1.20095042 US Gallons)
(?1 = $2.0855 US)
Unleaded Petrol / Regular
Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in ?: ?4.45
Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in $: $9.28
Cost of 1 US Gallon in ?: ?3.71
Cost of 1 US Gallon in $: $7.74
Super-unleaded / Premium & Diesel / Heavy Oil
Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in ?: ?4.63
Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in $: $9.66
Cost of 1 US Gallon in ?: ?3.86
Cost of 1 US Gallon in $: $8.05
And you moan about your fuel prices