Hi all,
i started a new board 3 months ago and this is my result.
Threads: 8,818, Posts: 35,495, Members: 15,603, Registrations Today: 199 Active Members: 12,264
this are the installed hacks that far.
Admin Log In As User 2.1
This hack will allow super admins to log in as any user.
Advanced Userbars Manager 1.0
by Hasann
Casino .31
Casino for VBulletin
Chess 1.0.1b
Allows users to play chess against each other in a specially created forum.
Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count 4.0
Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count
Cyb - Attention Zero-Posters 1.4
Cyb - Attention Zero-Posters
e-steki Smilie Maker 1.7
Enables you to create custom smilies online and use them in posts
Force Users to Read a Thread
1.2 This hack allows you to specify a thread that you would like users to read. They would not be able to do anything else on the forum before reading it.
Global announcement
1.0.0 Display simple global announcement in the header.
Hide Links From Guests
1.30 With this hack you hide links from guests
HS - Signature of the Week
1.0.0 Easy, managable SOTW box on forumhome.
Limited Guest Viewing
1.0.6 Limit guests to view a set number of threads before being locked out.
Members who have Visited
4.43 Display members who have visited the forum.
Multiple Login Detector
1.03 Cookie-based multiple account login detector
One-touch Ban & Spam Cleanup
1.1 Bans a user, deletes all their threads, posts and PMs
Radio and TV 1.6
A radio and TV stations library.
Registrations Today Statistics 1.0
Shows the amount of registrations for the day under your forum statistics.
Template Modification System 1.0.0
This Modification allows automatic managament of Template-Modifications
Top Reputation Forum Home 1.00
User Defined Reputation Points 1.1.0
Allows the user to choose how many reputation points to award rather than the maximum amount.
VBAREA - Banned Users 1.2
Show a page containing all your banned users
VBay 1.1.5
Auction system for VBulletin.
vbBux / vbPlaza 1.6.0
vbBux / vbPlaza is a points/store system for vBulletin.
vBCredits 1.3
An integrated points system by Darkwaltz4 [blackwaltz4@msn.com] that enables users to gain credits many different ways and can be utilized by third party applications. Contact for information on paypal and subscription addons, or branding removal.
vBGuides: Seasonal Effects 1.0.0
Add seasonal weather effects to your forum
vBShout 2.0
AJAX Shoutbox for vBulletin
Alp Pro 1.6.0
Alp Pro
[Sniper] -
Mood Manager