Originally Posted by eurofunny
One wish for the next Version bb-code images
Automatically reszied
I can affect only the img bbcode in the chatbox as I use the default bbcode parser function.
If you want to do so you'll have to do it for the whole forum.
I know there are existing mods that do that.
Originally Posted by silvermerc
Does that mean your suprise will not happen??
It will don't worry but It will take some time due to changes in my life
Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
I'm sure. "The user doesn't exist"
Neither of these are working for me:
/ban username
/ban userid
Can you give me the syntaxes you used to test please so that I can reproduce them (with the username or userid giving the problem) ?
Originally Posted by Ranger187
I have a request.
Can you add a usergroup option to change DEFAULT text color based on usergroup?
ie: mods by default are dark red
Reg users = white?
Is that possible?
This might be possible but I won't do that for the next version as there are already many things to do
I put it in the todo list for upper versions.