Go to admincp / photoplog / edit templates / and edit your photoplog_cat_list template
<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[photoplog_main_categories]</td>
Replace is with:
<td class="thead" width="250 nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[photoplog_main_categories]</td>
I added a width of 250, but it might be 240 or 260 for your forum. It depends on the length of your album name. Judging by your attachment i I think 250 is OK.
One more thing.
If you edit only the photoplog_cat_list template you will get this view:
Sub-Categories: Album1 Album2
Album 3 Album 4 Album 5
Album 6 Album 7 Album 8
As you can see Album1 start right after "Sub-Categories:"
I didnt like that since I wanted:
Album 1 Album 2 Album3
Album 4 Album 5 Album 6
Album 7 Album 8 Album 9
So I had to add 2 "go to next line" html codes (<BR>).
Download from your server /photoplog/
Edit categories.php and find :
\"> ".$vbphrase['photoplog_sub_categories'].":".$
Replace it with:
\"> ".$vbphrase['photoplog_sub_categories'].":<BR><BR>".$
Upload it back to your photoplog folder on your servr.
Keep an original copy of catogeries.php in case you screw things up.
Good luck.