I solved it like this:
- installed this Mod (only necessary for 3.5.x if you want your supermods not to be able to physically delete)
- generated a second account for each of my supermods that should have the right to administer users
- put the supermods that should be able to edit profiles into a separate group
- gave that group administrator but no (!) supermod rights
- disabled all permissions under "Post / Thread Permissions"
- You MUST do this for ALL Administrator-Groups since they could simply put themselves into an admin-group group that hast this rights - that would be an very undesireable thing, wouldn't it ?
- if you want to, take also the edit / deletion permissions in the calendar- and user-note sections from that usergroup
- for each member in this group, set the administrator permission "Can Administer Users" to YES, everything else to NO.
- user cannot physically delete any more - he cannot even delete forum content any more, all editing and thread tools are gone
- user can not post. This is OK for me, since this is a secondary account only for administration purposes and not for posting
- user CAN indeed mass-move and mass-delete other users and delete Single users
- user has access to following admincp-options:
- statistics and moderator-logs
- paid subscriptions (without "testing communication")
- user profile fields, reputations, ranks, titles
- "Users" (without "Access masks")
- moderation
- announcements
I am not happy with this solution, but at least it's working "sort of intended" :-<
I'd like vB to be more flexible in granting specific permissions; there are board systems that handle that pretty well regarding granularity like SMF and WBB for example (but they have their weaknesses of course, that's the reason why vB is still my favourite).
I strongly disencourage the designers following the path of packaging rights and bind them to specific role-accounts further. That means finding a trade-off everytime and IMHO such trade-offs are less efficient and in some cases unbearable.
Kind regards
--------------- Added 06 Nov 2007 at 10:01 ---------------
Originally Posted by BruceWest
Is it possible to appoint someone as an administrator without access to super-private-secret-ohmygosh-forums? Or could there possibily be a "junior administrator" modification out there?
Concerning a mod: I didn't find anything usable :-)
For you this may do the trick:
In addition to my post above, set "Can View Forum" to "no", so they cannot see ANY forum.