Originally Posted by RedTyger
PNG 24s can do opacity, unless my copy of Photoshop is mislabelled.
They're not supposed to. From what I understand of the format PNG24 is 24 bit true color without alpha channeling. I'm probably wrong though.
There is a CSS-only solution which works well, particularly where the PNGs are used for layout purposes. It has no negative side effects, but does have the caveat of not always being suitable because it transfers the PNG to being an element's background image. Works back to IE5 or IE5.5, something like that. I'll post it if you need it.
I have yet to see a CSS approach that prevents grey-box-ville with PNG32 images, particularly on complex layouts with multiple PNG's on top of one another.
Actually they do, IE sometimes renders the palette off by a shade or so, depending on your image.
:ahem: MONITORS can do the same regardless of browser. IE is guilty of many sins, but being off a shade or two in nowhere among the worst of them.

I honestly don't care if layouts depricate in IE, as long as they do so gracefully.